How to Incorporate More Exercise into Your Busy Schedule

lifestyle May 22, 2024
Incorporate More Exercise into Your Busy Schedule

We all want to feel good and know the benefits of regular exercise but finding time to make it happen amidst a busy schedule can be a real challenge. My approach to fitness has changed over the years and I have moved away from guilt and punishment to a more holistic and intuitive approach. I've put together the things that work for me and a few extra tips to help you find your groove when it comes to getting (and staying) more active. 

 Make a Commitment- Commit to incorporating even small amounts of exercise into your daily routine. Flexibility is key—allow yourself the freedom to choose whatever exercise you feel like doing each day. Consistency, even with short bouts of exercise, can significantly impact your overall health and well-being.

Identify the Best Time for Exercise- Take a close look at your schedule to determine the best time of day for exercise. If you're not a morning person, don't force yourself into morning workouts. Some people prefer to get their exercise done early, while others find it easier to fit in later. Tailoring your exercise routine to your natural energy peaks makes it easier to stick to.

Use Affirmations for Motivation- Write an affirmation and place it somewhere visible, like your bathroom mirror. This will remind you of your exercise goals and reasons for staying active. Holding yourself accountable with questions like, "Have you done your ten minutes of exercise today?" can keep you on track.

Try Shorter Workouts- You don’t need to spend hours at the gym. Short, intense workouts like High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can be very effective and can be completed in 20-30 minutes. Even 15 minutes of stretching or bodyweight exercises while watching TV can add up.

Multitask with Exercise- Look for opportunities to incorporate exercise into your daily activities. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, do squats while brushing your teeth, or walk during phone calls. These small changes can make a big difference over time.

Start with a Morning Routine- Begin your day with a morning routine that sets a positive tone. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier and roll out of bed without overthinking it. This routine could include meditation, gentle stretching, or a short workout, helping you start the day with energy and intention.

Utilize Your Lunch Break- Always take your lunch break and use it to move your body. A short walk outside can refresh your mind and energise you for the afternoon. This is also a great way to add a few extra steps to your day.

Make Exercise Enjoyable- Find activities you genuinely enjoy, such as dancing, hiking, biking, or playing a sport. When you enjoy your workouts, you're more likely to stick with them. Playing with your kids, like jumping on a trampoline or swimming, can also be a fun way to stay active.

Find an Accountability Partner- Exercise with a friend or join a class. Having someone else relying on you can provide extra motivation and accountability, making it harder to skip workouts.

Invest in Home Workouts- Having basic equipment like dumbbells or resistance bands at home can make it easier to squeeze in a workout whenever you have a spare moment. Follow online workout videos or use fitness apps for guidance.

Combine Social Activities with Exercise- Incorporate exercise into your social life by planning active outings, such as a weekend game of volleyball with friends or a brisk walk combined with a shopping trip and coffee. This way, you can stay active while enjoying time with others.

By incorporating these strategies, you can seamlessly integrate more exercise into your busy schedule, improving your health and well-being without sacrificing your other commitments. Remember, the key is to stay flexible, be consistent, and find enjoyment in the activities you choose. 

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