School Lunch Box Inspo : 5 Delicious and Nutritious Lunch Box Fillers

cooking tips and tricks May 18, 2024
School Lunch Box Inspo : 5 Delicious and Nutritious Alternatives To Sandwiches

It can be a challenge to find lunch box options that are not only nutritious, but easy to eat, and that don't attract too much attention from peers. If you are you tired of resorting to the same boring options in your child's lunchbox, let me give you a little lunch box inspo with these 5 nutritious and delicious lunch box filler options, to make it easier to pack in lots of hidden goodness into every packed lunch! 


Who doesn't love a tasty pastry? From homemade sausage rolls packed with meat and veggies to spinach feta parcels bursting with flavour, there are endless options to choose from. Whether your child prefers meat-filled pastries or vegetarian options, you can easily sneak in extra veggies and cheese for added nutrition.


Swap out traditional pizza crusts for cauliflower or wholemeal bases to sneak in some extra nutrients. Top them with homemade veggie sauce and a variety of healthy toppings like colourful capsicum, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes. Not only are pizzas a real crowd pleaser, but they're also a creative way to get your child to eat their veggies.


Muffins are a versatile and convenient option for lunchboxes, and they can be both savoury and sweet. Hide veggies like carrots or zucchini in savoury muffins with optional bacon and cheese, or add a touch of sweetness with choc kidney bean or carrot and walnut muffins. These muffins are not only tasty but also packed with nutrients that will keep your child fuelled throughout the day.

Bliss Balls:

Bliss balls are the perfect bite-sized snack that's both nutritious and satisfying. With flavours like date and spinach, peanut butter salted caramel, and carrot cake, there's something for every taste preference. Packed with wholesome ingredients like dates, nuts, and seeds, these little energy balls will keep your child energized and focused.


Smoothies are a great way to sneak in fruits and veggies while keeping lunchtime refreshing and fun. Blend up combinations like banana and spinach or orange with mango and sweet potato for a burst of flavour and nutrition. You can even add unexpected ingredients like red cabbage to create vibrant and nutrient-rich smoothies that your child will love.

Do you want more creative lunch box ideas and recipes? Check out our School Lunch Box Survival Mini Course, a comprehensive guide to Mastering the art of School Lunchbox Prep without the Stress!


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